Jody, Where Have You Been?
I haven't posted many articles in the last year and it has occurred to me that a reader could get the wrong impression.
It could seem as though I had started out with this website as a fresh-faced chronic who had had a better couple of months with relief from some CFS symptoms and wanted to share the hope and joy. But then had crashed but good, and was now silent and bedbound once more.
That, I am pleased to say, is not the case.
I have had my bad days, weeks and months. But in general my direction has been upward and outward. And the main reason that I haven't been able to write here is because I have been working.
Yes, you read that correctly. I have been writing for the women's health and wellness website, and while I'm well enough to work, there hasn't been enough of me left over to write for Ncubator.
And while I'd like to be adding regularly to my website, I am so happy to be working after being a mental vegetable whose body was -- can you be a physical vegetable? And I don't mean a couch potato.
I mean a vegetable that vibrates, becomes numb, gets dizzy, and has trouble staggering across the floor to collapse in a chair or in bed. You know what I mean.
I have been continuing to branch out just a bit more, with just a little more energy and a bit more staying power, and a whit more mental clarity. And verve. I am getting back to verve.
At the end of this article, you'll see a couple of links to my EmpowHER profile/bio which gives you access to my most recent articles on all subjects, and to the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome page where the majority of articles are mine.
I should create a page here on Ncubator devoted to my work on EmpowHER but ... I need to do this a bit at a time. And this has been today's bit.
I noted Ncubator's second anniversary a couple of months ago, and was quite struck by all that has happened in these past two years. I had too much going on to be able to make any observation on here at the time.
Better late than never. And better that it was because of being too busy than because of being too ill.
I know that some readers are desperately sick with CFS. Why else would they come to this kind of website?
And some have written to tell me they've been encouraged and given hope here that recovery and having a life again may be possible. But to find that no personal articles have appeared in the better part of a year can nibble away at that hope.
Here is a normal day for me. I get up and turn on my laptop, which is on the desk in my bedroom. So basically I fall out of bed and work for about two hours in the morning and take a break. (Gotta watch that ultradian rhythm.)
I'll lay out in the sun with a book for maybe half an hour. I might go for a half hour walk or a bike ride. In the afternoon, I'll work for another couple of hours, taking a break for General Hospital and Oprah re-runs. Then it's a bit more work, and off to make dinner for the family.
My husband Al or our son Jesse makes coffee after dinner, I play a silly online game for awhile and I do some writing while sitting with my darlin' Al in the living room with the TV on.
That in itself is remarkable. Sound used to do me in. Any sound.
And now I can write an article, chat a bit and tune in periodically to a TV show or tune it out if it doesn't interest me. All of which was impossible a couple of years ago.
In the evening I water two dozen wax bean plants and two tomato plants in the back yard. I'm thinking about incorporating an evening bike ride, now that it's getting so hot during the day. Or maybe I'll go for a ride twice -- once in the afternoon and once after dinner.
I can afford the energy.
My EmpowHER profile/bio page
EmpowHER's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome page
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