Be aware of the vulnerable among us
Friday, July 24, 2009
I posted an article on Ncubator yesterday called “No Disability for Jody”. Since then I’ve received two lovely emails from friends who were shocked to learn of my state of affairs. I appreciated these so much.
It got me thinking, though. And I want to clarify something.
This is not a new situation for me and my family. I didn’t write about it for us, really. I wrote it for the untold others who are in the same situation or worse.
I wrote it to inform the able-bodied people out there who have no idea that this can happen in a country like Canada. Or the U.S. Or Australia, England, or … pick a country, any country.
It can happen everywhere. And it does.
That was the point I wanted to make. That the safety net of this and other countries is failing. And vulnerable people fall through it every day.
Just be aware.
Posted: under July, 2009.
Tags: countries, disability, fall through, safety net, vulnerable Comments (0)