Recess is over — back to the blog
Sunday, July 31, 2010
I figure a year and two days is a long enough pause in any blogging enterprise so here I am. Fortunately my absence has not been due to prolonged CFS relapses. Rather, it’s because I have been too busy working as a freelancer.
I have had a few notable setbacks but they were shorter in duration, milder in intensity and the climb back up each time was less arduous than in the past.
I did have a spectacular bout of inflammation in my right arm, which has left me now able to type left-handed which is a useful skill to have. Arm is working again so it’s all good.
I also had a mysterious swelling and inflammation experience with my right foot that kept me hobbled for some weeks. But I learned the joys of castor oil wraps, which is definitely a useful lesson to have learned. And I am back on my feet so I don’t care.
As it happens I just got back from a bike ride which smacks of a certain symmetry since my last blog post a year ago was on just this topic. I am sweaty due to the heat wave most of the continent has been enduring but I am happy.
Maybe I’ll go for another bike ride this evening when the sun settles down.
Posted: under 2011.
Tags: bike ride, blog, inflammation Comments (0)